From P&ID symbols to advanced workflows, explore comprehensive guides, technical resources, and best practices in engineering design.
Markup and enrich P&IDs by adding custom data properties, allowing for data-driven insights.
Use Model Builder to layout structures, equipment, cable and pipe racks with real-time clash checks.
Quickly route large piping lines and cable trays without clashes using the Auto Router.
Use Smart MTO to generate MTOs for alternative routings generated by the Auto Router.
Use Cost AI to compile costs from public and private data sources for generated MTOs.
Use mD to generate micro data sheets for vendor requisition with only details that have a cost implication.
Mails, an AI agent sends emails to qualifying vendors where costs are unavailable in the Cost AI.
Flows, an AI agent automates workflows, identifies bottlenecks and recommends solutions.
Checks, an AI agent enables real-time or scheduled consistency checks to avoid last minute surprises.
Trails, an AI agent runs audit trails responding with time-stamped details up to the element level.
Smart Reports generate standard and custom reports for MTOs, Costs, Audits and Monitoring.
Business AI integrates historical costs and current economic data to enable smart decision making.